The "organ recital" is a brilliant play on words, Gordon. I had reconciled being invisible to teenage girls years ago, figuring it was just a natural part of aging. It hadn't yet occurred to me that my disappearance from view was only beginning.

I've done as my oncologist suggested and found a geriatrician to replace my PCP. Turns out they have usually are allotted more time per patient than PCPs.

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As usual, Gordon, well done!

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Gordon Adams

Yes! The 30 something doctors whose every response is "well, that just happens as you get older." Well, no it doesn't.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Gordon Adams

Others talks are illuminating, especially yours. I look forward to them.

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Gordon Adams

Excellent. (As you know, there are consistently excellent reports available in the NYTimes, etc., but -- in part because we know you--, your commentaries have a special resonance. Keep it up!)

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Let's talk, Gordon. East Coast, West Coast. I don't know anyone in the Middle....

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Gordon Adams

Off to synagogue for Shabbat HaGadol services, immediately before Passover beginning this year Wednesday eve, April 5. And yet, I must dash off first thoughts. This post is all about me (and they are all): The Talk about aging, especially, seriously aging. I’ll explore the Spirit Rock offering (I’ve followed them many years). My Israeli bestie died last January, nine months after she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Daily, I miss our talks, laughs, adventures. We had Talks in those sacred moments nearly two decades. Thank you, fellow elder, senior, old person, alter kaker ( fantabulous Yiddish expression aka AK).

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